The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers organization (ICANN org) has recently publised its last reposr about the incidence of COVID-19 on the Domain Name System (DNS) security. ICANN is the international organism which manages the internet and has as a mission to ensure an estable, secure and unified global Internet.
That study named Registrations Related to COVID-19: 18 Months of Data was a collaboration of several organism related to domains, and published by the Office of theChief Technology Officer (OCTO). The research shown that the incidence of phising and malware was e between a 1.8 and a 6.1%.
During this perios there was a great incrase of registered domains, so that they decided to develop this report to see this great incidence, and if it would be any kind of threaten on the Net, begingn with the articles on media about phising with terms related to “COVID”. This made ICANN to offer its knowledge and espertise for those who needed it, to remove everything suspicious of abuse.
From this report they discovered that a few or almost none of the terms related with COVID have any malicious content or considered a threaten.
ICANN also created the Domain Name Security Threat Information Collection and Reporting (DNSTICR) project, which collects data for study based on those domains which used terminology based on the Covid-19 pandemic. When they find malicious activity they contact the responsible of registy or registrar to proceed appropiately.