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Caixa de ferramentas da Global Cyber Alliance para ONGs
PuntoGal, en colaboración coa Global Cyber Alliance, publica unha serie de guías pensadas para facilitar as boas prácticas en ciberseguridade para distintos colectivos. Despois de publicar a adicada as pemes e xornalistas, presentamos a compilación de ferramentas para ONGs, que ofrece as ferramentas e pasos a seguir necesarios para a protección dos datos.
Caixa de ferramentas da Global Cyber Alliance para ONGs
PuntoGal, en colaboración coa Global Cyber Alliance, publica unha serie de guías pensadas para facilitar as boas prácticas en ciberseguridade para distintos colectivos. Despois de publicar a adicada as pemes e xornalistas, presentamos a compilación de ferramentas para ONGs, que ofrece as ferramentas e pasos a seguir necesarios para a protección dos datos.

PuntoGal supports various projects in Galicia in the field of language and IT. Click here to meet them
PuntoGal advances its commitment to network security by signing an agreement with the Internet WatchFoundation
PuntoGal has just signed an agreement with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom whose main aim is identify and remove illegal material related to child sexual abuse from the Internet.
UVigo hosts a conference on universal acceptance promoted by PuntoGal and ICANN
It was held this morning at the Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación with the presence of Andrea Becalli, from ICANN and Rebeca Díaz Redondo, director of the School of Telecommunication, among others
The CPXG, PuntoGal and Global Cyber Alliance organise a course on cybersecurity
he Professional Association of Journalists of Galicia, PuntoGal and the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) organize, with the support of the Official Association of Telecommunications Engineers of Galicia, and the Galician Cybersecurity Node, the webinar Towards a new way of talking about cybersecurity