PuntoGal domain joins the initiative Compra do Noso, promoted by the Clúster da Comunicación de Galicia, to increase the consumption of Galician products and services.
This new brand tries to help the economy recovery and increase employment after the coronavirus crisis.
The project, promoted by the Clúster da Comunicación de Galicia, already has the support of 22 entities, among them Galician Bussinesmen Confederation, clusters, chambers of commerce and other associations.
Compra do Novo emerged to promote the local services, industries and commerces. According to the Cluster, now begins a “path in which the whole society should be able to walk together towards the common objective of saving our industrial and commercial network. We want this brand to be patrimony of the Galician society”.
PuntoGal joins the initiative including the brand image on its web. Besides, PuntoGal will publish references to the campaing on its web and social media. PuntoGal managing director, Darío Janeiro, points out that “Compra do Noso is a seal of belonging and support to our economic network that perfectly suits with the PuntoGal values. So that, we congratulate the Clúster da Comunicación by this initiative and we will help in the dissemination and use of this badge”.