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DotGal joins the Global Cyber Alliance

2 December, Santiago de Compostela / Brussels. PuntoGal has just signed the agreement to become a partner of the Global Cyber ​​Alliance (GCA), an international organization created in 2015 to address cyber risks and make the Internet a safer place. The nonprofit in charge of the .GAL domain will be the first Galician organization to join this global alliance, as part of its commitment to reinforce the security of the digital realm. According to both parties, the aim of this collaboration is to foster trust in the digital ecosystem in Galician language, where PuntoGal plays a central role.

Darío Janeiro, Managing Director at PuntoGal, pointed out that ‘security is one of our fundamental values​. We have maintained an active policy in this area since the introduction of .GAL, using tools and controls to reinforce the implicit trust that Galician businesses, associations, and initiatives have placed in our domain, so closely connected to their identity and territory.’ According to Mr. Janeiro, ‘joining the GCA is a significant step in that commitment, since now we will be part of an international alliance that provides technical tools, up-to-date information, and awareness materials on one of the biggest concerns for Internet users.’ Mr. Janeiro concluded: ‘our domain will keep its activity in the field of digital security, collaborating with new initiatives with which we have started working already.’

The agreement will offer protection to domains under the umbrella of .GAL through the incorporation of PuntoGal to the Domain Trust platform. Domain Trust is an initiative led by GCA to facilitate the exchange of information on malicious domains, one of the essential infrastructures used by global cybercrime.

In addition, PuntoGal will raise awareness among its users —and the general public— about the free cyber hygiene resources created by GCA and its partners, such as the Cybersecurity Toolkit for Small Business, the Learning Portal or the guides and resources to implement the DMARC protocol for email protection.

‘As paradoxical as it may seem, the global objective of GCA —making the Internet a safer space for us all— also involves knowing how to be local. Alliances like the one we just signed with PuntoGal are essential for GCA, since they help us reach the heart of well-established ecosystems where we can demonstrate the effectiveness of our solutions,’ said Alejandro Fernández-Cernuda, Director of Engagement at GCA’s Internet Integrity Program. ‘Thanks to PuntoGal, we will have a direct connection with the public bodies, the cultural associations, and the businesses that make up the social fabric of Galicia, and a unique opportunity to create a space of trust and security to support digitization and economic development from the ground.’

Finally, the agreement between PuntoGal and GCA also includes a cooperation chapter, offering GCA an opportunity to present its programs and projects to the organizations and forums in which PuntoGal participates, not only in Galicia but also internationally. This will facilitate the adoption of GCA’s cyber hygiene tools and best practices across PuntoGal’s collaborative networks.

GCA, for its part, will support PuntoGal’s work and active involvement with the rest of partners that participate both in the alliance and in the Domain Trust project.

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About PuntoGal

PuntoGal is the managing organization of the Galician domain since 2014. Founded in 2006, it works in three main areas—domain management, representation of Galicia in the Internet governance bodies at international level, and corporate support of initiatives in the fields of technology, the Internet, language, and culture. Over 6,000 .GAL domains have been registered to date. For more information: dominio.gal.

