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Why .gal
How .gal
What’s on


PuntoGal Stories
About us
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Orgullo Galego, the place for the proud of their own.

Anxo Sánchez is the responsible of the Orgullo Galego page, the place for Galicians proud of their own.

Question: Who are you and what do you do?

Answer: We are Orgullo Galego. In short, we can say that we are a community that unites Galicians from all over the world who are proud of their own, of their history, language, culture and way of being in the world. Be proud as a people!

Not only from an essentialist and identity-based point of view, something we are trying to escape from, neither, from a supremacist point of view.

On the contrary, proud of being who we are and living as we live, in a world where linguistic, cultural and popular richness and diversity do not seem to be to everyone’s taste.

Thus we were born as a simple Facebook page in 2016. Then we were joined to Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, Telegram and finally the website, which at this moment is the focal point of the community.

Initially we were two boys, Borxa and Anxo, buth now we are 4 people collaborating in creating content on the blog. We would like to be many more and create more content for networks that we have somewhat neglected, but time and money are not enough.

Q: Can you tell us about your history and your main works?

A: Borxa and I met a few years ago, when we were still studying.

After observing other Facebook pages from the top, we decided to create one with which we could reach a few followers to spread the word about issues related to the organizations we were involved in (and are still involved in today).

But things went much better than expected and we changed our tactics and strategy a bit.

On a professional level, Borxa is a social educator and I (Anxo) am a web designer at anxosanchez.gal.

Q: Which are your future plans? Where do you want to go?

A: We are currently very focused on the creation of content on the website, and we reserve the social networks to disseminate content and some other third party issues that we find interesting to support (cultural, musical initiatives, in defense of the language, the territory, etc.).

On this website, orgullogalego.gal, we write several articles every week. These can be reports, interviews or guides in which we deal with cultural, histiographic, linguistic, traditional, singular or current topics.

We are convinced that there is much to explore in these fields and we try to do our bit.

Q: Which is your web? Why did you chose that name? And, why do you prefer .gal domain?

A: Our web, as I mentined, is orgullogalego.gal

Orgullo Galego was the name we choose for our community because, from an aggregator point of view, defines what we want to be.  A meeting point for all people who are proud of their own.

We chose .GAL because it could not be otherwise. It geolocates us in the world, it also defines where and what the contents will be about. There is not doubt about it.

Q:  What do you think .gal provides to you?

A: Unique identification and geolocation in the world. It is a .GAL because we talk about issues from and for here.

A .COM will not provide this to us.

Q: Any other thing you want to say

A: We know that it is difficult to maintain a community like this, but it is in the hands of Galician people to open a way for Galician (and .GL) in the Internet. Do not blame the administration and the neighbor!

Be owners of our future!

